Why Is The Film Free For Me To Watch?
The Ukrainian nation is at risk of being wiped out. Eliminationist campaigns usually succeed, and Vladimir Putin has said that the country should not exist. The current war against Ukraine began in 2014, and the West did not pay much mind to it. This time, with total destruction of the country possible, everyone involved, in front of and behind the camera want you to know what's going on.
Where can I find out more about Eliminationist Campaigns of the past?
Daniel Goldhagen's book, "Worse Than War" is a survey of eliminationist campaigns in history, and describes why they start, the mechanisms, how they end, and that the world usually turns a blind eye, and usually the bad guy wins. Sometimes the good guys win. Bill Clinton decided to come to the rescue in Bosnia, and he was aware that murder and rape was going on for years, and wishes he had acted sooner. History will judge the US by what it does now. The book is available on amazon.com.
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Pins, Sticker Packs and Patches will be sent via regular mail to the address you designate when you make a donation. If you opt for a personal video thanking you from a soldier, it will be e-mailed to you. Gifts will be sent out on a periodic basis.
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